About Me

Are you a vegetarian? I don’t know how many times I get asked this question, and believe it or not I’ve been asked this while consuming chicken, turkey, and beef! I used to think I didn’t eat THAT healthy, but over time I’ve come to realize my eating habits are not so average. I suppose it hit me when I was eating green beans with a few friends, and unconsciously and very seriously stated: “yummmm, green beans are like French Fries to me.” You can imagine the weird facial expressions I received, but at the same time, my friends weren’t entirely shocked to hear those words from my mouth.

I suppose I do have an abnormal obsession with vegetables, and yes I eat them because they are good for you, and yes I like them even more because they aren’t too shabby on the figure; but, I also really enjoy them…like really (see pic below…have you ever seen someone so excited to cut into her plate full o’ veggies?). Perhaps I have trained my mind to think this way, and it is the low guilt and high intrinsic value I obtain from eating vegetables that makes them so appealing and delicious to me. Whatever the reason, I’m okay with it 🙂 So what’s the answer to the question. My response is typically: “No, I’m a healthitarian.”

veggie pic ida

Fun Fact: I live a “fit” lifestyle from the food I eat to the way I work. Thankfully the trend is becoming popular in the workplace, but about three years ago I started standing while working, and now I stand most of the day, even when not working. I am notoriously known as the “standing girl” amongst colleagues, and you can find me studying, reading, writing or chatting at nearby cafés or locations that are conducive to standing. I am proud to report that I have converted more than 12 sitters to standers over the last couple of years. Below is a picture of me standing my first week on the job. I usually look around to see what I can use as my makeshift standing desk, and the best option was a box, so I put some tape on it and got to work.

Standing work pic

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